



音樂教育, 粵劇傳承, 音樂創意

Prof. Leung Bo-Wah


Professor Leung Bo-Wah is currently Professor of the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts and Director of Research Centre for Transmission of Cantonese Opera at The Education University of Hong Kong. He is award winning professor of music for his research in incorporating Cantonese opera into formal music curriculum. He received the prestigious Musical Rights Award from the International Music Council (founded by UNESCO) in 2011 as well as the Knowledge Transfer Award from the HKIEd in 2012 for his leadership in a research project entitled “Collaborative Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools”. During his tenure in HKIEd, Professor Leung has developed a teaching kit, Teaching Package on Creative Music Making in Schools, and a series of music textbooks for the general use of all schools in Hong Kong.


Professor Leung has published many research papers in leading journals and edited books including the International Journal of Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, Music Education Research, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, International Journal of Community Music, and the Oxford Handbook of Music Education. His Chinese book, Teaching Creative Music Making: New trend for the new century (Excellence Pub., 2005), is Hong Kong’s first publication of creativity in music teaching and learning. A revised version of this book has been published in Beijing tackling the music curriculum reform of mainland China (People’s Music Publisher, 2014). His book Creative Arts in Education and Culture: Perspectives from Greater China (Springer, 2013) features the development of creative arts in the transforming region influencing the globe. His newly published book titled Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, Evolution, Challenges features global issues of transmission of traditional music (Springer, 2018).


Other than his professional practice with EdUHK, Professor Leung is currently President-Elect of International Society for Music Education (ISME), Chair of Board of Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research (APSMER), Adjunct Professor of Music at the Northeast Normal University, Guangzhou University, and South China Normal University, China, life member of Chinese Musician Association, Chief Editor of Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education, Subject Specialist (Education and Performing Arts) of the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications, member of Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee, HAB, Consultant of the Chinese Opera School of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Professional Consultant of Music Office, and member of Management Committee of Taipo Arts Centre. Professor Leung served as a Board Member of the International Society for Music Education (ISME) thrice, co-editor of International Journal of Music Education, Chair of the Music in School and Teacher Education Commission (MISTEC) of ISME, co-chair of the Research Commission of ISME, and the founding President of the Hong Kong Association for Music Educators (HAME). Professor Leung received 3 General Research Fund Grants from the Research Grant Council in 2011, 2014, and 2019 and a QEF grant in 2009. He received his BA (Hon) in Music and PGDE from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, MA in music education from the Hong Kong Baptist University, and PhD from University of New South Wales, Australia.


Profile Details梁寶華-leung



Creativity in Music

Aesthetics of Cantonese Opera

Research Methods


Areas of Teaching

Creativity in Music

Aesthetics of Cantonese Opera

Research Methods


Research Interests 

Creativity in Music Teaching and Learning
Motivation in Music Teaching and Learning
Teaching Cantonese Opera in schools
Music Teacher Education
Music Curriculum Development


Selected Outputs   

  • Leung, B. W. (2021). Informal learning of Cantonese operatic singing in Hong Kong: an autoethnographic study. Pedagogy, Culture and Society
  • 梁寶華編著 (2020):《香港文學大系1950-1969:粵劇卷》,香港,商務印書館。
  • 梁寶華編著 (2019):《粵曲梆黃唱腔藝術:方文正作品彙編》 ,香港,天地圖書。
  • Leung, B. W. (Ed.) (2018). Traditional Musics in the Modern World: Transmission, evolution, and challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Leung, B. W. (2018). A proposed model of transmission of Cantonese opera for Hong Kong higher education: From oral tradition to conservatoire. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Online First, 1-23.
  • Leung, B. W. (2018). Creativity in Cantonese operatic singing: Analysis of excerpts from Hu Bu Gui by three artists. International Journal of Community Music, 11(3), 265-288.


Research Projects  

  • Cantonese Opera: Transmission for sustainability in Hong Kong, 2016-19
  • IT assisted Kinetic Chain Assessment in Cantonese Opera movement, Dean’s Research Fund, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Science, 2015-17


Prizes and Awards 

  • Musical Rights Award, 2011, International Music Council
  • Knowledge Transfer Award, 2012, Hong Kong Institute of Education


External Appointments

  • President Elect, 2020-22, International Society for Music Education (ISME)
  • Adjunct Professor, 2019 - , South China Normal University, China
  • Member, Management Committee, 2019 - , Tai Po Arts Centre
  • Member, Advisory Committee of the Division of Culture and Creativity, 2018-20, Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
  • Member, School Advisory Committee, School of Chinese Opera, 2018 - , The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts


Major External Research Grants

Learning Cantonese Opera and Development of Cultural and Life Education, Quality Education Fund, 2022-23

  • National education as cultural education: Developing students’ Chinese cultural identity with learning and teaching Cantonese opera in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, GRF, 2019
  • The nature of creativity in Cantonese opera: Perceptions of artists, connoisseurs and beginners and their interaction, GRF, 2014
  • Transmission and pedagogical models in Cantonese Opera: A study of the Chinese oral and the Western conservatory traditions, GRF, 2011
  • Partnership Project on Teaching and Learning of Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools, QEF, 2009
Prof. Leung Bo-Wah